Old vs. New - An Engineer's Aspect

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Thursday, July 7, 2011


Old vs. New

As I was looking through the Newspaper Archives the other day, reading articles about Tesla, I ran into a house plan. The newspaper was The Daily Advocate from Newark, Ohio. The date: January 11, 1901.

What struck me was that nearly everything in that newspaper had radically changed. Everything, except the house plan. Houses today are almost exactly the same as they were a century ago! They rot. They get eaten by bugs. Winds blow them down. Fires lay waste to them.

I asked myself, "Why in the world, when everything else has radically changed with the times for the better, wouldn't we all want a house that is modern, safe, green and beautiful?"

So, using this newspaper and its articles and advertisements, I put together this slideshow asking the same question.

(Side note: The music is a recording of my grandfather, Norman A. Bates, playing piano in a lounge in Honolulu, Hawaii.)

Personally, I love my Monolithic Dome home and there are so many other beautiful Monolithic Dome homes around the world.

An exceptionally beautiful home was built on a bluff overlooking Lake Michigan in Manitowoc, Wisconsin. Barbara Stitt, who together with husband Paul own this dream-come-true Monolithic Dome home, said, “On a slightly foggy day, the house just about disappears, which is what we wanted.” The Stitts achieved that effect by choosing just the right shade of blue paint for the outside of their Airform. You can read more here.

The Stitt's beautiful home was featured on "This New House." Watch below: