Nikola Tesla - 7 Short Articles from the Newspaper Archives - An Engineer's Aspect

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Saturday, July 16, 2011


Nikola Tesla - 7 Short Articles from the Newspaper Archives

Below are seven short newspaper articles about Nikola Tesla that I found in the Newspaper Archives. Topics: X-rays, photography, wireless communication, warfare, electrical airplanes and club membership. The articles span the years between 1896 and 1935:

The New-York Times, New York, New York, page 9. Wednesday, April 22, 1896.

Some Further Experiments Conducted by Nikola Tesla with X Rays.

Nikola Tesla is still devoting a great deal of time to the scientific investigation of the Rontgen ray effects. In a long communication to The Electrical Review, to be published to-day, he announces, among others, two interesting results he has achieved. One of these is that if a sensitive film be placed between two plates, say of magnesium and copper, a true Rontgen radiograph would be obtained after a very long exposure in the dark.

Another result Tesla has obtained is that by the use of a new type of fluorescent screen, devised in his laboratory, he has been able greatly to increase the sharpness of the outlines in a shadow on the screen and actually to see the human heart. Regarding this, Tesla says:

"By the use of the above apparatus I have been enabled to examine much better than before the body by means of the fluorescent screen. Presently the vertebral column can be seen quite clearly, even in the lower part of the body. I have also clearly noted the outlines of the hip bones. Looking in the region of the heart, I have been able to locate it unmistakably.

"The background appeared much brighter, and this difference in the intensity of the shadow and surrounding has surprised me. The ribs I could now see on a number of occasions quite distinctly, as well as the shoulder bones. Of course there is no difficulty whatever in observing the bones of all the limbs."

Middletown Daily Argus, Middletown, New York, page 1. Thursday, January 6, 1898.

Odd Application of the Vacuum Tube by Nikola Tesla.

NEW YORK, Jan. 6.--The Electrical Review of the current issue announces an important work by Nikola Tesla which promises to greatly advance the art of photography by means of vacuum tubes of immense illuminating power which he has succeeded in producing. The light emitted is so great as to be applicable for lighthouse purposes, and trials in this line will very likely be made soon.

The Review says editorially that this particular application is the "oddest and most unlooked for development of the vacuum tube." Its value in photography is shown by photographs reproduced in the journal named, which states its belief that this light will cause the "supersedence of the objectionable flashlight and makes the photographer entirely independent of sunlight" and concludes "that the bearing of these advances on practical illumination is obviously important."

Tesla also makes an interesting comparison between the vacuum tube and the now almost universally used incandescent electric lamp.


The Massillon Independent,--Semi-Weekly,, Massillon, Ohio. December 14, 1899.

Tesla Again.
Nikola Tesla, who opened an experiment station in Colorado Springs, Col, in May last for the purpose of making scientific measurements and observations with wireless telegraphy in high altitudes, has successfully concluded his work and will soon return to this city to continue his work here. He has perfected a machine by which he intends to send messages to Paris next year, and his experiments here will be in communication by means of the machine with Paris, without the use of a wire.

"I have been successful in my experiments beyond anything I ever accomplished." he said to a correspondent. "I am glad I have come to Colorado. I am delighted with the results. I am not at liberty to give out the details of my work at this time, but you can say the system of wireless telegraphy has been successfully demonstrated in this altitude, which is 6,000 feet above sea level." It will be an astonishing thing if this wizard succeeds in sending a message across the Atlantic ocean, but this is an age of marvelous things.

Sandusky Daily Star, Second Edition, Sandusky, Ohio, page 2. Tuesday Evening, March 4, 1902.

Nikola Tesla, the electrical expert, intends to beat Marconi at the latter's own game. Mr. Tesla is preparing to send wireless messages not only through the air, but through the earth. At his new headquarters on Long Island he has erected a tall iron mast and has dug a well 50c feet in depth. He expects to begin his experiments in a few weeks.

The San Antonio Light, San Antonio, Texas, page 1. Wednesday, March 11, 1908.

Wizard Gives His Views at
a Banquet Last
New York, March 11.--Rear Admiral Charles D. Sigsbee, retired, and Nikola Tesla were guests of honor at a dinner and reception given by the Entertainment club last night. General J. Fred Pierson presided.

Nikola Tesla spoke on the future of warfare. He said:

"Mankind will eventually harness the waterfalls and transform this enormous pressure into energy and this will simplify warfare. Aerial vessels of war will be used to exclusion of ships and with 10,000,000 tons of energy this country will be equipped to rout the civilized world.

"I consider the greatest achievement of humanity will be the wireless telegraphy, which may be operated throughout the globe. This will solve an intricate feature of our civilization. It is scientifically possible and it will gradually become an actuality."

Admiral Sigsbee related his social activities during his long career in the navy. He told of a pork and beans dinner he ate with the family of Mme. Emma Ames in Shanghai in 1866.

Logansport Pharos-Tribune, Logansport, Indiana, page 1. Wednesday, March 12, 1924.

By Arthur Brisbane
Nikola Tesla says that he can transmit power, so that flying machines could take power from the earth, carrying no fuel.

He declares that power can be transmitted without wires 12,000 miles, half way around the earth, making the power of every waterfall available everywhere else on the planet. The loss by transmission is only one-quarter of 1 percent, plus 4 per cent of loss in the apparatus itself.
Some scientists do not believe that Nikola Tesla can prove it. But that the thing will be done eventually there is no doubt. What men can CONCEIVE they can do.

Tesla, whose genius as an electrician has the Niagara power-plant for its monument, sees far ahead of his time. Thirty years ago he outlined to this writer the terrific power locked up in the atoms now so much discussed.

The Sheboygan Press, Sheboygan, Wisconsin, page 2. Friday, July 12, 1935.

All Officers
Are Re-elected
By Federation

Milwaukee--(UP)--The 1935 convention of the Serbian National federation, which began June 28, had ended today after re-election of officers. Youngstown, O., was selected as the 1939 convention city.

Nikola Tesla, who celebrated his 79th birthday yesterday by announcing three important inventions in electrical science, was elected honorary life president of the federation.

Officers re-elected include: Samuel Werlinich, McKees Rock, Pa., president; Voislav Djokovich, Cambridge, O., vice-president; Branko Pekich, Pittsburgh, Pa., secretary; Louis Christopher, Gary, Ind., treasurer, and Nikola Vurdelja, Pittsburgh, Pa., recording secretary.

Elected to membership on the board of trustees were Milian Radakovich, Wauwatosa, Wis.; Paul Kobac, Sharon, Pa.; Boza Markovich, Pittsburgh, Pa., and George Skokich, Chicago.

Mihailo Bajich, Chisholm, Minn.; Mileta Milovanovich, Slovan, Pal; Nikola Klipa, Steelton, Pa.; Ilija Pekich, Butte, Mont.; and Dusham Silashiki, Akron, O., were elected to the judicial board.

Branko Dajichich, editor of the Daily American Srobran for the last 16 years, was unanimously re-elected.