Nikola Tesla - "Dr. Tesla Says Adamick Ready to Win Crown" - An Engineer's Aspect

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Friday, July 22, 2011


Nikola Tesla - "Dr. Tesla Says Adamick Ready to Win Crown"

Another article found in the Newspaper Archives...

The Wisconsin State Journal, Madison, Wisconsin, page 2. Monday, April 17, 1939.


Dr. Tesla Says Adamick
Ready to Win Crown

NEW YORK--(U.P.)--In the Twilight of his glorious career, Dr. Nikola Tesla, one of the world's greatest inventors, is cooperating in the rehabilitation of Jimmy Adamick, a man who--a few short months ago--was considered a hopelessly shattered fighting machine.

Dr. Tesla, father of modern methods of generation and distribution of electrical enery (sic), says Adamick is now ready to return to the ring again and "he is certain to become the next heavyweight champion of the world."

It seemed that the young "Midland Mauler's" career was ended definitely when he suffered brain concussion and partial paralysis resulting from a beating by Roscoe Toles at Detroit on Sept. 28.

The bout was stopped in the second round after Adamick had been floored four times. Adamick was unconscious for 11 hours. At first physicians feared that his injuries might prove fatal. He was hospitaled (sic) for about six weeks.


Developed Warm Friendship
"The boy has recovered completely." Dr. Tesla said. "His remarkable recovery was due largely to the ability of Dr. Albert S. Crawford at Henry Ford hospital in Detroit and partially to Adamick's exceptional constitution. Adamick visited me here this week and he seemed in excellent condition. I advised him to return to the ring and win the title."

Tesla, who devised the rotating magnetic field and set motors going throughout the world, has become the Michigan farm boy's advisor and inspiration. Tesla, who made millions of dollars through his hundreds of patents in the electrical and mechanical industries, has a warm interest in Jimmy because both are of Jugoslav extraction. Nikola is 83 years old, but remarkably chipper physically and mentally for his age. Adamick is 24.

The elderly wizard of the laboratories sat in his room at the hotel New Yorker, in the midst of an orderly hodge-podge of apparatus and experiment record files, as he told of his friendship for the young fighter--a friendship that blossomed shortly after Jimmy first launched his brief but sensational career two years ago. Old Nikola regarded Jimmy as a sort of foster son.

Arms Right Length
"I know fighters and fighting fairly well," explained the tall, lean scientist with the sparse gray hair. Nikola wore a bluish-green lounging robe over his pajamas during our chat. He seldom leaves his room now because of internal injuries suffered 10 months ago in an auto accident. But he is a busy man with his calculations and telephone contacts with various factories and laboratories.

"I have been interested in boxers and boxing ever since meeting John L. Sullivan," he continued. "And when I was about 18 years old in Jugoslavia I was one of the best wrestlers in my area. I took up wrestling because of poor health. It did wonders for me.

"Adamick is one of the finest specimens of young manhood I've ever seen. He is perfectly proportioned for a great fighter. His arms are just the right length for powerful punching. Roscoe Toles' are too long. I have calculated by formula that Adamick's punching performance is 32 per cent more ewwicient (sic) than that of Toles, and his general fighting performance is 100 per cent more efficient.

"Jimmy has the body, power, ruggedness and speed to be champion. And I'm positive that nothing can prevent it. He was not in proper condition when he fought Toles in September. He had been suffering from a sinus infection. This impaired his alertness and brought about his being struck by a lucky punch--that he otherwise would have evaded--in the first round. That punch stunned him and left him helpless. It will not happen again. Because I have instructed Adamick about scientific principals (sic) of keeping in condition--principals (sic) I have followed all my life.
Will Watch Jimmy
"Moreover--within two months I expect to give to the world my most important invention, the oscillator, which will so stimulate
many functions of the human body that physical efficiency will be increased incredibly. And Adamick will be one of the first to benefit by my oscillator."

Some intimates of Dr. Tesla believe that he is assisting Adamick financially, but the old man gave no indication that such is the case. Most of his wealth is gone--expended in costly laboratory experiments. But he is still comfortably situated.

"As soon as I have recovered sufficiently from my accident, I intend going to Michigan and watch Adamick train," he concluded. "I'll do anything within my power to help him in his comeback--to help him win the championship, which he is certain to do."