Nasa Kids' Club
- Upload your picture and dance on the moon or Mars with Space Your Face! It is some ridiculous fun.
- Buzz Lightyear Travels to Space has five fun, educational games.
- STS-127 Cosmic Corridor is a fun arcade type game.
- If you like puzzles, try Put it Together. There are four different levels of difficulty.
- You can also look at pictures, check up on the space station and the space shuttle crew, and explore.
Science Bob
- This site has Science Fair Ideas.
- There are Science Questions and Answers.
- You've got to see the awesome Science Bob Videos!
- Fun Science Experiments.
- Science Help.
The Atom's Family
- The Mummy's Tomb: Learn about energy conservation, kinetic, and potential energy.
- Dracula's Library: Learn about the properties of light, waves, and particles.
- Frankenstein's Lightning Laboratory: Learn about different forms of electricity and electrical safety.
- The Phantom's Portrait Parlor: Learn about the principles of atoms and matter.
- The Wolf Man's Ghostly Graveyard: Learn about fuel conservation and energy transfer.
Star Child
A Learning Center for Young Astronomers. This site has two levels for:
- Solar System
- Universe
- Space Stuff
- and Glossary.
Reeko's Mad Scientist Lab
Free science experiments for parents, teachers, and children of all ages.
Solar System Simulator
From Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
Nasa's Space Place
Brain Pop
You can try this amazing science site free for a week!
Planet Science
- This is a great science news page.
- Randomise has quite a few fun games.
- Sci-teach has information, ideas, and classroom resources.
- Explore the world of science with Out There.
- Science teaching ideas and help for parents are on this page.
- Under 11's has some great ideas and fun for the younger kids.
- Information about careers and advice is found on Next Steps.
- Science Library has lots of science resources.
Chevron Energyville
Description: It's up to you to provide enough power to meet the energy demands of your city's 5.9 million people while keeping them prosperous, secure and living in a clean environment.
Archimedes' Laboratory
Puzzles, Tests, Math games, Brain-teasers, Tangram-like manipulatives, Mental tricks...
Environmental Kids Club
- Air
- Water
- Garbage & Recycling
- Plants & Animals
- You & Your Environment
- Art Room
- Game Room
- Science Room
- Trophy Case
- Got a Question?
Eureka Alert Kids News!
How to Answer Endless "Whys?" Pooch genetics, sea shells and blood cells, the geometry of M&M's, asteroids, and marsupials, and catapults. Getting engaged with science at a young age can lead to lifelong curiosity. Science for Kids answers many of the "whys" with an online series of weekly science stories that help advance science education and literacy.
The museum of science, art, and human perception. This site is wonderful for adults and children.
Color Matters
Find out more about how colors affect you every day! Certain colors and color relationships can be eye irritants, cause headaches, and wreak havoc with human vision. Other colors and color combinations are soothing. The appropriate use of color can maximize productivity, minimize visual fatigue, and relax the whole body! Do you know which color is the worst offender? Take a look!
National Geographic Kids
- Animals
- Games
- Stories
- Activities
- Videos
- People & Places
- Photos
- GeoBee Challenge: You should try this...it's fun!
- NG Explorer Classroom Magazine
- NG Little Kids
- NG Kids TV
National Weather Service Playtime for Kids
Forecasting, Hurricane Hunters, Space Place, and more.
Web Weather for Kids
Learn what makes weather wet and wild, do cool activities, and become hot at forecasting the weather on Web Weather for Kids!
Yahoo Kids Science