Rebecca's Birthday Wish - An Engineer's Aspect

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Thursday, June 18, 2009


Rebecca's Birthday Wish

My sister, Rebecca, has a birthday wish this year. I have never heard Rebecca ask for anything for her birthday before...except maybe world peace. Rebecca would like to raise $1,000 for Domes For the World for her birthday. Here is the link to the birthday donation page:

Rebecca answers some questions on the website:

Rebecca South's Birthday Wish

"I'm turning 36 on June 18! This year I'm donating to a good cause: Domes For The World. This particular cause is something I really care about."

Domes For The World Mission: "To build safe, sanitary homes for victims of disasters and poverty."

"The Domes For The World Foundation’s mission is to improve the lives of people worldwide through the introduction and construction of Monolithic Domes and EcoShells for personal and public use. We will initiate and coordinate efforts to alleviate storage, shelter and housing shortcomings. We will seek out grants and donations to fund construction of permanent, affordable, sanitary, and safe structures for those who have none. We will train local peoples in our methods of construction and transfer the technology. Sustainable buildings, according to the U.S. Green Building Council, save energy, water and materials; preserve the local surroundings; assure the health of their occupants; and require little maintenance. Mr. Perry Gray-Reneberg, professor of industrial technology at Humboldt University, says, 'Monolithic Domes [and EcoShells] inherently resist the wasting of more precious resources in that they sustain human life and protect our considerable investment of time. We work to build, commune with nature and one another, and thrive as a culture and society. If our structures are no sanctuary from stray indonesiaecoshellbullets, indiscriminate winds, devouring insects, or raging fires, then they are not sustaining. Monolithic Domes [and EcoShells] demand our labor once to assure the security of ten generations to follow. Building for the future involves community-wide efforts to educate public servants and economic leaders with what our grandchildren will have as common sense: Monolithic Domes [and EcoShells] sustain all communities of Earth.'"

This is why I care:

"I don't think I've ever thrown a party for my birthday! This would be a lot better than a party or a present. I'm really trying to raise enough money for Domes for another homeless family and an elderly widow in Indonesia. Any little bit will help! Thanks for being my friends and putting up with all my "dome talk". You are the greatest. I feel so lucky to know all of you. --r."

This is what I'm asking of my friends:

"I'm asking for $10, or whatever you can afford!"

Please help Rebecca realize her birthday wish!

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