Super Inventions at the White House Science Fair - An Engineer's Aspect

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Monday, April 6, 2015


Super Inventions at the White House Science Fair

Q. What does a multifunctional wheelchair accessory, next level password protection and a cardiac arrest predictor test have in common?

A. They are three of the coolest inventions in the White House's science fair this year according to "The coolest inventions in this year’s White House science fair," by Sonali Kohli on

March 23, 2015 was the fifth-annual science fair held at the White House. The theme this year was Diversity and Inclusion in STEM. In Becky Fried's article, "The Incredible Kid-Ingenuity on Display at the Fifth White House Science Fair," found on, she reports that more than 100 students from 30 states participated in the fair this year.

Fried quotes Pres. Obama's remarks to the participants, mentors and leaders:
These young scientists and engineers teach us … how to question assumptions; to wonder why something is the way it is, and how we can make it better. And, they remind us that there’s always something more to learn, and to try, and to discover, and to imagine--and that it’s never too early, or too late to create or discover something new.
Below is a video of some of the White House Science Fair highlights. I think the 6-year-old Super Hero girls stole the show.